There are a few simple tips you can try to make your battery life last longer. These tips will work for different versions of other devices as well.
At first, you should turn off auto-brightness under settings and adjust the brightness to be around half the bar. The screen is pretty bright by default, and most of us can work well with just half the brightness. Then turn on 3G is also a big battery drainer. However, many of us use 3G on a regular basis. I use the Whats App application and that requires 3G to be turned on. If you do not use applications that require 3G to be on constantly, disable it. You will need to turn it on as soon as you surf the internet, unless you are using Wi-Fi. Turn off 3G if you are really desperate for UMI X1S Battery life. It helps significantly.
After that, kill off applications that you are not using. One major battery drainer is using the cellphone to surf the internet. Somehow safari kills my battery life significantly. You can close applications by pressing the home button twice. You will see active applications entering into a “jigly” mode. Press the minus sign yo turn them off.
However, for mobile phone users who need extra power on the go, there are portable mobile chargers that you can bring along with you. They are small but powerful, and can charge your UMI X1S Battery as much as 2 full cycles. I hope you find the above tips useful. They certainly worked wonders for me.