
Infinity Downline Review How To Guarantee You Actually Get Paid

Don't register for the Infinity Downline affiliate program Corum Watches until you read this article, if you really want to get paid.Other than knowing the basics about Infinity Downline, such Cartier as how the program actually works, and what are the products, and where do you send new members to sign up, there are a few specific things that you will want to know which can save you much pain and frustration and time.The Infinity Downline system is arranged so that the affiliates pay each other directly, with the aid of the automation provided by Infinity Downline’s software.You can choose the forms of payment that you prefer to receive.Infinity Downline allows one to even choose check or money order for payment receipt options, and they can simply be sent through regular mail service.I’m sure not a very big percentage of people choose this option but it’s there if you are old-school.Paypal is probably the most common method of payment accepted in Infinity Downline, with AlertPay probably pulling in second.Your choice method of getting paid will show on your page when your new prospect goes to join as a member.If you are like me you will sign up and quickly put in some traffic and have someone attempting to join within a very short Corum Watches period of time.You can easily sign up with your current personal paypal account. You joining will happen okay.You may notice that when your new prospects go to sign up they run into trouble making the payment, which means you are having trouble getting paid.This will happen if you make PayPal your preferred payment acceptance method and you do not have a premium or business account with PayPal.This seems odd because it is perfectly fine to pay with a personal account. Accepting payments requires a premium account.Kind of important if you want to get paid.I never did find this clarified on the Infinity Downline website.The first person to sign under me simply got a notice that they could not make the payment because I did not have a premium account.Later I saw that this was something my sponsor mentioned on his personal blog.But I never quite made it to the part about needing the business account.You'd think this would Watches be clearly indicated by the sales page when you sign up. I still have not been able to find this mentioned on the Infinity Downline website.So, there is a bit of a lag if you do not already have a premium or business Seiko Watches account.The good thing is that using Paypal is so easy because the Infinity Downline software automatically creates a subscription to you get paid automatically each month.As I have covered in detail in another article, Infinity Downline Watches pays 100% of their revenue out in commissions and you receive $25 per month for each person you enroll.Perhaps this will save you a bit of time and money.

