
Selecting Niche Keyword for Bum Marketing Technique

Bum Marketing has become a popular term among affiliate marketers. It is very easy and cost free promotion method for Nail Pen affiliate products. But all your efforts will be fruitless if you have not selected the right niche keyword. Selecting the right niche keyword is one of the most difficult tasks for most Bum Marketers. The keyword should be profitable but doesn’t have a ton of competition. One of the main reasons behind the failure of the bum marketers in selecting the niche keyword is the lack of understanding for this term. They are not exactly sure what a niche is. Before going in depth about niche marketing I would like to make you familiar with the potential of the niche marketing. There are many keywords that don’t have much competition but have good traffic and targeted visitors. This market is comparatively easy to catch. In other words we can say a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers. A niche market may be thought of as a narrowly defined group of potential customers.Let’s take an easy example. The term ‘exercise’ is not a niche but the term ‘lower back exercises’ could be a niche. But is it profitable? You bet, but it also had a modest amount of competition.The goal of the Bum Marketing is to find a niche where there isn’t a lot of competition, but there are enough buyers to make it profitable. If there are lot of competitors around, it will be very difficult for your product page to come up in the search result. But on the other hand, if there aren’t enough people actively searching for a product similar to the one you’re promoting, as a result you’re not going to make many sales and earn much in the way of income. So you need to make a proper balance of the two.So where do you find a niche that has watch repair enough buyers but not enough sellers? Go to the free version of Wordtracker keyword tool and look up the main keyword of the niche that you want to tackle, say ‘music’ and then take a look at all the related keywords to that niche. Ultimately, what you're going to find is that as you go down the list, there are going to be keywords like ‘children's music’ that don't have a lot of daily searches but also don't have a lot of competition. How do you find this out? That is the next step.The next step is to go to Google and look up the keyword phrase that you've found to see how many competing sites there are. If you find that there are less than 50,000 competing sites for that keyword phrase, then you have most likely found a niche that you can crack.You can also find a niche keyword from goarticles.com – one of the popular article directories. Look the most viewed articles and you will get an idea what people are interested to read. Then follow the same procedure discussed above to confirm that the selected topic is the niche topic.Some other places you may get ideas of niche keywords include online forums, television, newspapers, advertisements, conversations, wanted ads and so on. All in all, simply keep your eyes and ears open and a pen and paper handy, and you’ll come across more niches than you could ever utilize. If you too are serious about learning this Advanced Bum Marketing Techniques, be sure to grab a copy of this Advanced Bum Marketing Tactics & Techniques Report.

